Agence Les Grillons, Gustave Cordonier

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3963 Crans-Montana
2 bathrooms

3963 Crans-Montana, Réf Mérignou

Commercial space in the center of the Crans-Montana resort
It is composed as follows: 1 entrance, 1 lounge, 1 large conference room which can be transformed into several small rooms equipped with tables,
chairs, armchairs, television, 1 bar with small kitchenette (fridge, sink, dish washer for glass), small terrace

Further information

Ground floor
267 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1995
Renovated in 2010
Available from now on
Reference Merignou


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    This property is proposed by

    Agence Les Grillons, Gustave Cordonier
    Rue du Prado 29
    3963 Crans-Montana

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